Pinky. Release!

Wow. The past week has been an absolute whirlwind to say the least. On my 20th birthday a few days ago, September 9th, I released my self-published debut poetry collection titled Pinky. It is a whimsical but haunting, beautiful but frayed depiction of reality, exploring the natures of hope, love, loss, and building anew once more. But more than anything, it is about trust. The trust that allows all of these things to exist. With clever depictions of nature, this collection explores what it is to be human in this body, in this time— and that is everything.

I am so thrilled to have put my entire self into this. This collection was compiled all because of a silly thought I had when I was 18 and just getting serious about poetry - “What if I released a book by the time I was 20?”

By the time I turned 19, I was set on really just diving in and doing it.

I truly started the planning for this back in January and worked endlessly for months around my school schedule, rehearsal schedule,s and endless amounts of homework all to make this dream a reality. I enlisted the help of one of my long time best friends to design the covers and other long time best friends to be the first people to read it and give me feedback.

All in all, I’d say this was a relatively smooth process. It didn’t go without its pains and its tears, but I think that gives the project more character all over all. Curating my own poetry collection, going through formatting, and getting everything else in order all has shaped me in a brand new way, and I am so grateful for it.

It also serves as a great physical reminder to myself of all of the things I can do with my determination.

Pick up your copy of Pinky. today! You can purchase it on Amazon (and soon you’ll be able to purchase it online at Barnes and Noble as well!) (2022 update: it is no longer available for purchase- thank you for the support, everyone!)

I am so very thankful for all of the love and support that I’ve received over this milestone in my life. Thank you so much, I am sending all of the love and sunshine that I can muster your way.

xx River von Waldron

P.S.- Yes, I know I put a period in the title. Yes, I know this breaks rules. Just let it happen. Just let me do it. I liked the definitive nature and it’s too late to change it (not that I ever would).

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